Making Cents with AdSense

AdSense is a Google program that lets you earn money by hosting Google ads on your Web site, 24/7, nonstop, all day, all night, 365 days a year. You’ve probably seen the “Ads by Google” boxes on Web sites. Whenever you see these, the owners of these Web sites are making money from these ads. For sites that generate a lot of traffic, it can be a substantial amount of money. There are tricks for improving the visibility of these ads so that people have a higher tendency to click the ads, which generates the money. Depending on the type of ad, simply the ad does not always generate income. The idea is that these ads drive people to advertiser’s Web sites. It is simple to get started in this program, and within a couple of months you could be receiving your first check from Google.

Applying for an Account

To get started, you’ll need an AdSense account. This is separate from your Google account. Google will need much more information so that they can pay you. First, point your Web browser to The first part of the AdSense application asks you about your Web site. First, type the URL of your site, and then enter the display language of your site by selecting a language from the drop-down list. At this point, don’t worry that you have several Web sites you’d like to host ads on. Google needs one to get started. You can use your AdSense account for as many Web sites as you like.


When you’re not certain if you have an AdSense account, try logging in with your Google account. If you do not have an AdSense account Google asks if you want to create one.

Next, you must complete the form that gives Google your contact information, including the following information:

  • Account type: Individual or business. Select the business option only if your business has 20 or more employees; all others should select individual.

  • Country or Territory: Select your country or territory from the drop-down list.

  • Payee name: This is your name or the name of your business if you select business in the account type. Checks are made out in this name. This should be your full name and should not include initials.

  • Address: Type your full mailing address. This is where the check is mailed, so it should be complete and correct. Fill in Address 1, optional Address 2, City, State, and Zip Code. The country should be the one you selected in Country or Territory. Your address cannot be a P.O. Box.

  • Phone: Type your phone number including area code and country code when outside the United States. The fax field is optional.

  • Email preference: Choose whether you want Google to send you service announcements regarding AdSense.

  • Products: Select AdSense for content, AdSense for search, or both.

  • Agree to the AdSense policies: Basically, you can’t put AdSense units on porn sites or “Click this ad” pages. You agree not to cheat Google by clicking the ads to earn money. You agree that you can accept checks under the payee name you entered and that you have read and you consent to the AdSense Program Policies.

When you finish filling in the form, click Submit Information. Your information is transmitted securely (encrypted) to Google.

When your account is accepted and you are ready to log in to your account, you can begin creating ad units to appear on your Web page (and start making money). Begin by clicking the AdSense Setup tab, as shown in Figure 35.1.

Figure 35.1: Get started by selecting the type of AdSense unit you want to install on your site.

In the AdSense Setup tab, you can install one of three types of products. An AdSense product is the small display, similar to the three shown in Figure 35.1 that can appear on your Web page. Some products pay money simply when someone views the ad displayed. These are called impressions, and you are paid based on the number of people who view certain types of ad units on your page.

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